Thursday, August 31, 2023

West Point time capsule that appeared to contain nothing more than silt yields centuries-old coins

A time capsule at West Point that was initially thought to contain only dust actually held hidden treasure. The lead box, believed to have been placed by cadets, contained six silver American coins dating from 1795 to 1828 and a commemorative medal. The discovery was made by West Point archeologist Paul Hudson, who carefully sifted through the sediment in the box. The find confirms the theory that the box was left by cadets in 1828 or 1829.

from Science News - Times of India

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Neurosurgeon investigating patient's mystery symptoms plucks a worm from woman's brain in Australia

A neurosurgeon in Australia discovered a live worm, measuring 8 centimeters, in a woman's brain during a biopsy. The worm was identified as the larva of an Australian native roundworm not previously known to be a human parasite. The woman had been experiencing symptoms of forgetfulness and depression for three months before the discovery.

from Science News - Times of India

Live worm found in Australian woman’s brain in world-first discovery

A woman in Australia underwent surgery to remove an 8cm-long parasitic roundworm from her brain. The 64-year-old woman had been experiencing memory lapses and depression, in addition to other symptoms, and was referred to Canberra Hospital. Doctors discovered the roundworm, identified as 'Ophidascaris robertsi', in her right frontal lobe.

from Science News - Times of India

Monday, August 28, 2023

Need to know about lifesaving CPR? A new study says it's probably wise not to ask Alexa or Siri

For the study, published in JAMA Network Open, researchers tested Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Google's Assistant and Microsoft's Cortana in February. ChatGPT from OpenAI performed better on the test. A Microsoft spokesperson said the new Bing Chat will first direct users to call 911 and then give basic steps when asked how to perform CPR.

from Science News - Times of India

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

When Vikram kissed Moon, Isro scientists jumped in joy, hugged each other in control room

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully landed the Vikram lander on the Moon's south pole, marking a significant achievement after the Chandrayaan-2 lander crash in 2019. The scientists at Isro had worked diligently for four years to ensure the lander's success, conducting various tests and strengthening its legs. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was attending the Brics summit in South Africa, closely watched the landing and congratulated the scientists on their achievement. The country celebrated the momentous occasion with joy and enthusiasm.

from Science News - Times of India

Team leaders behind the success of Chandrayaan-3 mission

The senior scientists at ISRO celebrated the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 after years of hard work. ISRO Chairman S Somanath played a crucial role in the mission's success, implementing a strategy focused on eliminating failures. Project Director P Veeramuthuvel, Deputy Project Director Kalpana K, and Directors Nilesh M. Desai, S Unnikrishnan Nair, and M Sankaran also contributed to the mission's success.

from Science News - Times of India

Why the global race for the lunar south pole?

The lunar south pole has become important due to its potential for scientific research and resource exploration. The region contains water ice in permanently shadowed craters, making it a valuable resource for future missions. It also features craters that preserve a fossil record of the early solar system, providing insights into its history.

from Science News - Times of India

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Vikram all set for soft landing as India reaches for the Moon today

India is set to make history by landing a probe in the polar region of the Moon. The Chandrayaan-3 lander, named Vikram, is scheduled to touchdown on Wednesday, followed by the release of the rover named Pragyan. If successful, India will be the first to land close to the lunar south pole. Vikram has been equipped with sturdier legs to withstand landing velocities.

from Science News - Times of India

Vikram all set for soft landing as India reaches for the Moon today

India is set to make history by landing a probe in the polar region of the Moon. The Chandrayaan-3 lander, named Vikram, is scheduled to touchdown on Wednesday, followed by the release of the rover named Pragyan. If successful, India will be the first to land close to the lunar south pole. Vikram has been equipped with sturdier legs to withstand landing velocities.

from Science News - Times of India

Monday, August 21, 2023

What Chandrayaan-3 lander & rover will do after Moon touchdown

India's Chandrayaan-3 mission is set to land on the Moon's surface on Wednesday, marking a major achievement for the country. After landing, the rover will begin its operations for one lunar day, collecting data from its instruments. The lander will also carry out measurements and study the lunar crust and mantle. The mission aims to explore the unexplored lunar South Pole, with the hope of finding evidence of water, which could potentially be a valuable source of clean energy.

from Science News - Times of India

‘Welcome, buddy!’: Chandrayaan-2 orbiter welcomes Chandrayaan-3 Lander Module

With just two days left before Chandrayaan-3 attempts a soft landing at the Moon's south pole, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Monday said the lander module has established a two-way communication with the orbiter of the mission's predecessor Chandrayaan-2.

from Science News - Times of India

New study identifies gene 'fingerprint' for brain ageing, sheds light on memory decline

A new study offers insight into the cognitive decline of normal ageing, shedding light on how ageing contributes to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

from Science News - Times of India

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Failed Luna-25 had aimed to mark Russia's return to moon after 47 years

Russian space agency Roscosmos said it lost contact with the spacecraft at 11.57 GMT on Saturday after it reported a glitch while going into its pre-landing orbit. "During the operation, an abnormal situation occurred on board the automatic station, which did not allow the manoeuvre to be performed," it said.

from Science News - Times of India

Cams to capture Pragyan's slide down to lunar surface

"Once Sun sets, there will be no power for the lander and rover to function, and all the equipment will stop working. However, our tests show that there are possibilities of the battery getting recharged upon the next Sunrise. If that happens, we could get another 14 days, or maybe even more," Isro chairman S Somanath said.

from Science News - Times of India

Schizophrenia genetic risk factor weakens mitochondrial function: Study

from Science News - Times of India

Study uncovers 'concerning' defect in malaria diagnosis

from Science News - Times of India

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Days before landing, Russia's Moon sat detects an emergency

In a global race to first reach the South pole side of the Moon, which remains a virgin territory for humans till now and is supposed to possess water ice in permanently shadowed areas, the Russian spacecraft is scheduled to land on north of the Boguslawsky crater. India's Chandrayaan-3 is scheduled to make the Moon landing on Wednesday, two days after the Luna-25 touchdown.

from Science News - Times of India

Chandrayaan-3 mission: 150kg fuel left in propulsion module, life span now years

Confirming this to TOI, Isro chairman S Somanath said: "It has too much fuel, way beyond our expectations. There's a lot of fuel left as everything was very nominal on the way to the Moon and there were no contingencies requiring corrections (for which fuel would have been expended). We're left with almost all the margin, that's around 150+kg."

from Science News - Times of India

Can soil microbes thrive in a changing climate?

from Science News - Times of India

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Russia’s Luna-25 set to land in south pole on Monday, two days prior to Chandrayaan-3 landing

Russia's Luna-25 mission has entered the Moon's orbit and is set to make a soft landing on the south pole on Monday; days before India's Chandrayaan-3. Luna-25 will circle the moon for five days before its landing. The landing site is close to where Chandrayaan-3 was expected to land.

from Science News - Times of India

Source of dust key to ice forming in clouds, should be included in climate models: Scientists

Dust particles from river deltas can more potently influence ice formation in clouds than those from deserts, researchers have found. At low temperatures, atmospheric dust particles are known to enable the aggregation of ice particles to form ice crystals in clouds. In the absence of dust, called ice-nucleating particles, water in clouds can remain in liquid form despite freezing temperatures.

from Science News - Times of India

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

India will never treat its scientists the way US humiliated Oppenheimer: Rajagopala Chidambaram

Former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission Rajagopala Chidambaram, who played a key role in India’s first nuclear test at Pokhran in May 1998, has scathing words for the US for the shabby treatment and humiliation of Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb.

from Science News - Times of India

Chandrayaan-3: 8 days before Vikram attempts landing on Moon

With the journey so far having gone exactly as planned, Chandrayaan-3, whose orbit circularisation phase began with the completion of the lunar-bound manoeuvre on August 14, is expected to enter a 100km circular orbit after another operation planned for 8.30am on Wednesday (August 16).

from Science News - Times of India

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Not Just Moon: Isro’s Aditya-L1, India’s first Solar mission, reaches spaceport

The Aditya-L1 spacecraft will study a number of properties of Sun, such as the dynamics and origins of coronal mass ejections and its home — L1 or the first Lagrange point of the Earth-Sun system — will allow it to orbit Sun at an almost constant distance from Earth, but without the planet ever eclipsing its view of our star.

from Science News - Times of India

Covid didn’t take a summer vacation

The two best metrics to monitor local infection levels are hospitalization rates and wastewater data, which can both be found on the CDC Covid Data Tracker website. For hospitalization rates, go to the map and select your county. For wastewater data, scroll down to the surveillance map and locate your nearest monitoring site.

from Science News - Times of India

James Webb telescope captures image of farthest star ever seen

Utilizing the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have successfully gazed upon Earendel, marking the most remote star ever identified. Although initial estimations placed Earendel's distance from our planet at 12.9 billion light-years, taking into account the universe's expansion and the prolonged voyage of the light, astronomers currently propose that Earendel's current position is situated 28 billion light-years away.

from Science News - Times of India

Saturday, August 12, 2023

New information on possibility of early steps of biological evolution on Mars

The scientific community has definitely proven that Mars had habitable surface environments early in its existence. Water, energy sources, elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur, as well as crucial catalytic transition metals linked to life as we know it were all produced by these conditions. It is unknown, though, if that possibility sparked continued development towards the independent emergence of life on Mars.

from Science News - Times of India

Thursday, August 10, 2023

WHO classifies 'Eris' Covid strain as 'variant of interest'

The EG.5 strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a "variant of interest," although it is not considered to pose a greater risk to public health than other strains. The variant was originally identified on February 17 and was categorized as a variant under monitoring in July. EG.5 is a descendant of the Omicron subvariant and bears an additional mutation in the spike protein.

from Science News - Times of India

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

In Jaisalmer fossils, scientists find new dinosaur species, name it after Thar desert

Scientists from IIT-Roorkee and Geological Survey of India (GSI) have discovered the oldest fossil remains of a long-necked, plant-eating dicraeosaurid dinosaur in Jaisalmer, suggesting that India was a major centre of dinosaur evolution.

from Science News - Times of India

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Managing space debris: Isro de-orbits last stage of PSLV-C56

In a bid to manage space debris in the low Earth orbit (LEO), Isro has de-orbited — reduced the altitude — of the last stage (PS4) of the PSLV-C56 launch vehicle which was used to launch seven Singapore satellites on July 30.

from Science News - Times of India

Saturday, August 5, 2023

New superconductor claim sparks frenzy online, but scientists are sceptical

An unusual material, named LK-99, has been presented to the world as a superconductor that would carry electricity at room temperatures with zero resistance. On Twitter — or X, “LK-99” has been a trending topic in recent days, and enthusiasts have hailed what they believe to be a longsought holy grail of physics, one that would transform everyday life with new technologies to solve climate change and make levitating trains commonplace.

from Science News - Times of India

Vaccine 'accessory' found to stop Covid infection in the nasal tract

While vaccines are known to offer protection against serious illness and death, vaccines can be improved in their ability to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the point of entry in the upper respiratory tract, the research led by the University of Michigan (U-M) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, US, said.

from Science News - Times of India

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

NASA’s Voyager 2 is out of contact but not lost in space

On Friday, scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced that they had lost contact with Voyager 2, which is over 12 billion miles from Earth. Engineers on the ground sent an incorrect command to the spacecraft July 21 that knocked its antenna 2 degrees away from the Earth. That made it impossible for the mission team to send or receive signals.

from Science News - Times of India

New research links brain waves directly to memory

from Science News - Times of India

Brain fog, other long Covid symptoms affect millions. Studies bring hope

from Science News - Times of India